Lomilomi Demonstration with Benj Spound

In this video, I demonstrate a Lomilomi routine that combines elements from several lineages of Lomi into a very comprehensive session. This routine was created as an educational tool I use during trainings to help students learn a wide variety of techniques...I do not use pre-planned routines when I work with clients in my private practice.

This 2-hour film is intended to introduce people to the work and to serve as a refresher for those who have already taken the class. It is not my intention or wish for people to watch this video and attempt the techniques without receiving training. Visit www.vermontholisticbodywork.com for a schedule of upcoming events.

Thank you to all my teachers and the masters of these lineages who have shared their work through the generations!

  • Lomilomi Demonstration with Benj Spound

    1h 57m

    In this video, I demonstrate a Lomilomi routine that combines elements from several lineages of Lomi into a very comprehensive session. This routine is merely an educational tool I use during trainings to help learn a wide variety of techniques...I do not have a pre-planned routine when I work wi...